We allow registration of any number of teams from any one school. It is likely most teams will be accepted. However, there is space only for about 80 teams. If a large number of universities send teams, then a university's first team will take priority. The registration fee is $40 per person (coach, programmer, reserve, guest, etc).
On site registration will be $50 per person. If teams have to be turned away for lack of space, they will have their registration fee refunded. Refunds will not otherwise be possible (because we must order shirts and food in advance).
At check-in on 14 October 2005 a registered reserve may replace another team member. Subject to availability, shirts and meal tickets can be purchased for unregistered guests. A few extra spaces are available in case of hardware malfunctions during the contest. Registered attendees may form pick-up teams and use these spaces. Interested people should sign-up at check-in.
To pay the fees, please go to the "Fee Payment" page, fill in the information requested there, print it, and mail it with your check to Florida Tech.
If you need the federal tax id for Florida Tech in order to requisition your check, here it is: 59-6046500.
The order of the teams is determined by how they are registered at the ICPC site. So register the highest priority team first and so on. ICPC rules require that every team have an on-site coach:
"A representative of the sponsoring institution of higher education, typically a faculty member, must serve as or designate the team coach. The coach certifies the eligibility of contestants and serves as the official point-of-contact with the team prior to and during contest activities. A team may only have one coach."If a university has more than one team, the same person may register at the ICPC site as the coach for more than one team. (In such a case, the coach pays only one registration fee.)
A team may have at most one reserve. A reserve must be an eligible programmer, and must register at the ICPC with some particular team. Two teams cannot have the same reserve. Reserves pay the same registation fee as everyone else.
Guests have to be registered with some team at the ICPC site. Any number of guests can be registered with any team. (But they are accepted or canceled along with the team.) Guests pay the same registation fee as everyone else.