Fee Payment

Please fill in the information requested below, print this document, and mail it with your check to Florida Tech.

Today is .

College or university: .

teams, coaches, total reserves (for all teams), and total guests. For a total of .

Have you tested the contest environment on your computers?

By clicking this button: your browser should e-mail the data on the page informing us of your plans.

Make checks payable to:

ACMSER -- Florida Institute of Technology

We must receive the check by Friday, 30 September 2005. Early payment is appreciated.

Karen Brown
Department of Computer Sciences
Florida Institute of Technology
150 West University Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901-6975
Phone: (321) 674-8763
Fax: (321) 674-7046

To pay by credit card, call with the credit card info. Address questions or problems to ser2005@cs.fit.edu