The C# Program: North.cs

  1 // mcs North.cs    ;; generate a MSIL file
  2 // mono North.exe  ;; execute with JIT compiler
  4 using System;
  6 // Hello World in C Sharp
  7 class North {
  8    static void Main (String[] args) {
  9       Hashtable graph = new Hashtable();
 11       while (true) {
 12          String line = Console.ReadLine ();
 13          if (line==null || line[0]=='#') break;
 14          String[] city = line.Split(new  char[] {' ','\n','\r'}); // FIX
 15          Console.WriteLine ("Hello {0} {1}", city[0], city[1]);
 16       }
 17       while (true) {
 18          String line = Console.ReadLine ();
 19          if (line==null || line[0]=='#') break;
 20       }
 21    }
 22 }